Want to grow your website traffic with Pinterest?

'Pin it to Win it' eBook will help you reach the right audience to grow your online business or website!

Do any of these sound familiar?

You have an account but it just won't grow? Your not sure what tasks you need to do daily in order to get traffic from Pinterest?

Lean how to grow your traffic and funnel it to your website and landing pages!

Lean how to create successful pins that get repinned and drive traffic to your website!

Learn how to properly automate so you can get back to the tasks that matter!

What if you could...

Only spend 15 minutes a day on Pinterest a week, and drive tens of thousands of views to your website a week!

Automate your Pinterest so you could spend even less time than that a week!



‘Pin it to Win it’ teaches you how to optimize your Pinterest so that you can gain massive amounts of traffic to your website.

Pin it to Win it

Here's what you'll get

Over $250 worth of bonuses


2 Video Tutorials of how to optimize your account fast and how to. automate your pins

Bonus Two

Pinterest cover board template that make your pinterest look super professional to attract followers

Bonus Three

How to set up a process in order to gain blog comments from Pinterest and improve engagement!

order pin it to win it ebook and start growing!

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HI, my name is kit

I’m Kit Stanwood! I’m a young professional who has been blogging since September 2016. I went to the college of business at James Madison University and studied Business Management with a concentration in Technology, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship. I stayed an extra year to learn about Computer Information Systems.

After a few start-up company attempts, also a fitness coaching business, I finally created www.kitstanwood.com and business started to boom.

start gaining massive amounts of traffic

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! Pinterest is for anyone and any niche!

Pinterest is a huge fancy search engine that returns websites and articles. You can pin these images to boards you’ve created to come back and read. Pinterest is just waiting for you to post and be discovered!

That is entirely up to you! You can set up and optimize your Pinterest account using these tips in about two hours! To grow your account after that, you will need take about an hour a week managing your account for new content and other tasks that I will explain.

YES! I will be rolling out an affiliate program for this eBook and you can make commission off of selling it! 

I have been obsessed with Pinterest for the past decade. It started off as a personal account, but as soon as I got my blog two years ago I immediately used it to grow my business. 

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Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Kit is the Pinterest queen! This girls lives and breathes Pinterest. I had heard from several people how Pinterest was a game-changer for them and how they were using to drive traffic to their blog, but I had no idea how to get started. Kit walked me through a step by step process and helped me get my account up and running in 1 day.

Ebonee Williams, Work online + travel blogger

start growing your pinterest account today!

Pin it to Win it is an actionable, step-by-step process, 15 chapters, and 2 video walk through tutorials that

shows you exactly how to grow your Pinterest business account and see results fast!

© Kit stanwood 

Grow your online reach today!

Start gaining website traffic to your blog!

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Here's what you'll get

Pin it to Win it is an actionable, step-by-step process, 15 chapters, and 2 video walk through tutorials that shows you how to exactly grow your Pinterest business account and see results fast!

Don't miss this special one time offer

Get this product for just $19.99 (a $85 value). This is the only time you’ll ever see this price so grab yours now!

(Normally sold for $85)
I have been working on building a photography website for a while now so I can automate a lot of my business processes to manage my time and manage more clients. 'Pin it to Win it' has helped me gain exposure online so I can reach more people to photo shoot.
Pablo Raya
Pablo Raya

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© Kit Stanwood